These are recommended seeding rates per per acre. Call if you have any questions on seeding rates, or would like recommendations for your fields.

Seed TypeAmount per acre
Clover w/pasture grasses8-12#
Orchardgrass w/ alfalfa1-2#
Tall Fescues w/ alfalfa5-8#
Per. Ryegrasses w/ alfalfa5-8#
Timothy w/ alfalfa2-4#
Ryegrasses, Fescues, as a sole crop25-35#
Orchardgrasses or Timothy as a sole crop12-20#
White clover in pasture mix1-2#
Sorghum Sudan45-70#
Forage Sorghums5-8# rowed
8-12# drilled
Oat/Peas or Trit/Peas cover crop with alfalfa seeding80-110#
Oats/Peas or Trit/Peas for forage120-130#
Oats cover w/alfalfa seeding1.5-2 bu
Oats for grain3 bu
Brassicas in a mix3-5#
Chicory, Plantain in a mix2-5#